Little Busy Are We?
Hello all! Blog 3 at last, so much for regular posts...
Well then ... Time to get ranting!!
Music degrees!... or degrees in general for that matter!
how useful are they?
I've been observing all the controversial arguments about how courses can be made better regarding the teaching, SU, opportunities etc...
My response?
Studying for a degree at any university in any subject is entirely what you make of it.
All universities essentially do is push you in the right direction and give you the chance to network with lots of people & get you ready for the real world (in exchange for a sh*t load of money!!)
The course helps you on the way but the majority of the time spent there should be about working on your profession and making the most out of your time there.
You can decide which path to take before the year even starts. Here's a few:
- Go to the lectures, do the work that's been set, get a pretty good grade at the end... don't really network that much, see uni more as school & passively get your way through the year
- Go out as much as possible to network with people & plan to be really busy.. Uni work comes second but it doesn't essentially mean you put far less effort into it.
- Get drunk... come to a conclusion that it's the uni's fault you're unmotivated to do anything productive...
For me this past year, I chose the 2nd option. More busy than ever!!!!
BUT... It paid off!
I don't know why it is though that everyone decides to throw everything at you in the last 2 months. Can't say I've had a single day off for a while, but that's what I'd rather do
What I have been working on however:
Recording the debut Arizona Bay album. The EP release & tour last year was a success so we're stepping up our game, releasing 11 tracks of musical pleasure coming your way soon ;)
The arrival of new guitarist Dan Pezaro gave us an entirely new sound so expect something different for the new recording.
For more info go to:
Until next time...