Friday, 4 March 2011

First Blog

Well I've stumbled across this site... Best get blogging I guess, I'll try to keep this going!

What's on my mind? from a somewhat controversial perspective ..

On a real note, does the whole promoting gigs/events through websites/texts sending out mass messages actually work? through my experience, I've come to realise that 95% of the time... It's not really going to happen!

We all get those FB adds from promoters and a lot of the time, we get about 10 event invites at once about gigs with bands/djs we've never heard of... Usually it's a 'Not Attending' the majority of the time. As we know, Facebook is a social networking site, so when we receive just the mere title of the event from these guys, it's seen as spam and we don't tend to react kindly to that. When most people are looking to go out, they're not wanting to watch someone they've never heard of. Instead, these should be made more personal.

Hype it up! (face to face/phone calls) make sure everyone knows who you are before you go putting up posters, events. That way, they can put a name to a face and will be more likely to come along
(unless it's gonna be bollocks..)
(the strongest one!) Word of mouth! tell your friends, they tell their friends.
Viral advertising on youtube! Make a cool video. Show people it's all worth it
(if you're using facebook events) Make sure it's in their area!!! there's no point in inviting someone to an event in london if they live half way across the country..

That's a mere few to think about, I hope you enjoyed my change of text size and bold to emphasise my points..

More blogs to come hopefully!! I can literally feel your excitement through the screen, bet you can't wait!

On another note! if you've got to this point in the blog, kindly go to my band's page and check out the tracks! lots of exciting stuff happening for us at the moment!


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